
Torque Apps Android Version - OBD2 Performance and Diagnostic for your car - Part 2- Vehicle Profile

Part 2-Vehicle Profile

1. Open Torque Apps.
2. Press menu key on android smart phone. Option "Setting-Vehicle Profile-Quit" will pop up.
3. Select "Vehicle Profile"
4. Select "Create new profile"
3. Fill in your OBD2 Vehicle Editor Setting
4. Profile name: (anything to identify the car)
5. Engine displacement (in liter): 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 or 2.0 
6. Total Vehicle weight:  Refer to your car manual. Refer to section 'Weight'. I put mine as 1279kg taken from max kerb weight in vehicle sale brochure. I do not know why, but it gave me a more correct value in the calculation.
7. Fuel type: Petrol, diesel, etc
8. Fuel tank capacity:
9. Current fuel level: I use approximate value. In my case, the apps cannot read my actual fuel level from OBD.
10. Boost adjustment: I leave it at 0. Not sure about this
11. Max dial RPM: i put 8000 same as my car.
12. Volumetric efficiency: i leave this as 85%
13. Fuel cost: 2.1 as current RON 95 at RM2.1 per liter. Change this is you use RON97.
14. Accumulated Distance travelled: I do not change the default value.
15. MPG Trim: No change
16.OBD speed multiplier:
17. Other advance option, i use the default setting.
18. Once you finish select "Save" at the bottom.

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